
To build a center of excellence for the education and development of the next generation of physicians and scientists , to develop a holistic approach in the management of patients , to integrate traditional and new knowledge in the field of health care, to foster research and innovation , to provide compassionate clinical care of the highest quality at the lowest possible cost.


To improve the quality and health of the lives of the communities we serve through dedication, understanding, discovery and healing and develop evidence based treatment stratergies most suited for our nation.

Public Service

  • Preventive health care
  • Health Care to all needy
  • Geriatric care
  • Measures against not communicable diseases.
  • Adolescent care
  • Child welfare.
  • News:-Sub: Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribe Development (F) Department-Appointment of Director in the Institute of Integrated Medical Sciences Society, ( Medical College) Palakkad – reg.

    INTRODUCTION The Human Development Index in the country rose by 21% in 2011. Kerala is placed on top of the Index for achieving the highest literacy rate, quality health services and consumption expenditure of people. Delhi, Himachal and Goa are placed at 2nd, 3rd and 4th position. The Education Index of Kerala is 0.92 and The Health Care Index is 0.8. It is said good governance and social mobilization by the State Government is reflected by the fact that the members belonging to the Scheduled Caste and backward communities in Kerala are better off than the general population of many states such as Bihar, Chattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh in terms of various health outcome indicators.

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    However, the share of those from Scheduled Caste communities in health education is comparatively poor. For example, during, 2011, though there were 484 eligible candidates, only 125 were admitted from the scheduled communities against the entitlement of 285 seats out of a total of 2850 seats. This is partly due to the fact that some of the medical colleges, including Amrita Institute of Medical Science, do not adhere to government rules. On account of this, there is a wide gap between the demand and supply of medical seats. In view of this situation, the Government of Kerala has decided to go for a new medical college with the majority seats allotted to students from Scheduled Caste communities. The Government has also appointed a Special Officer for purpose of establishing such an institution.

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    The Government has agreed to sanction the required funds from the Schedules Caste Component Planned (SCP) Funds. The project is envisaged as a residential integrated educational institution for health care sciences. This will also have in- house facilities to meet all the basic needs of the residents. The proposal is to go for an environmental friendly green building with maximum energy sourced from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. This institution will set a trend in health care education for others to follow in future.

    As of now the project is being funded from the SCP funds. However all out efforts will be taken to make the institution self supporting through marketing of commercial services. Additional medical and paramedical courses will also be started in due course. Action will be taken to have international exchange programmes, and research and development activities in this institution. It is also intended to start superspeciality health care services and higher learning facilities.

    IIMS Palakkad